Hi! I’m Channing.

Fueled by creativity, a passion for education, and a love for technology. I design intuitive applications and web experiences that drive results.

My Approach

User Research

I believe you can’t build content without understanding the user’s behavior and psychology. One method that I like using is user observations. Watching the user navigate through a site and collecting their feedback on their decision making is incredibly impactful.

Information Architecture

I take an information architectural approach in my work to ensure the designs are organized and structured in a way where it lines up with the needs of users and aligns with business requirements. I design with iteration where I start with simple wireframes and finish with high-fidelity mockups.

  • WalkMe Realizer Winner 2023

    Best Customer Experience Nomination

  • Google UX Certification

    Completed Fall 2023

  • 5+ Years of Design Experience

    Across web, mobile, and print

  • Accessibility Advocate

    For a more inclusive world


Google UX Certification Assignment

Concept and creation of a dog food delivery mobile and desktop application.

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Testing Services Scheduler Application

Early research and development of an application for candidates and administrators for appointments.

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In-System Guidance Content Creation

Digital adoption guidance for a registration application to aid in registering for classes.

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